Jan 31, 2018
The basics of finance ain't easy...at first, but once you jump on and learn them, it's just like riding a bicycle (as mom says). Today we welcome CPA Michele Cagan, whose written a clever Infographic Guide to Personal Finance. She'll take us through a few lessons, from compounding interest to earning more money and spending less. It's a fun interview and a great way to either learn if you're just getting started OR to dust off your knowledge if you're an old finance pro.
In our headlines segment, we discuss investors going crazy for stocks--which never ends well. Plus, we talk about active investing. What's the future of active investments? Is it really going to be all robots and automation? One recent piece in the popular press thinks so. We'll discuss it.
Of course we'll still throw out the Haven Life line to a lucky listener. This time Bobby asks about 401k management fees. Should he pay a company .6% to manage his stash? We'll also answer a listener letter AND still have time for Doug's trivia.
Check out this week’s menu and get $30 OFF —WITH FREE SHIPPING—by going to BlueApron.com/SB.
Thanks also to MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring today's show. Compare, ditch, switch and save on student loans, auto loans and more at StackingBenjamins.com/MagnifyMoney.