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The Stacking Benjamins Show

Sep 24, 2018

We're kicking off Monday by talking by asking, how do you achieve quantum success with your career and your MONEY? Helping us improve our financial lives is today's special guest, Christy Whitman. Plus, in our headlines segment, would you enjoy being called a "boring" investor? And in our second headline... a company is offering insurance for space travel, what's up with that?

Later on, we'll tackle a voicemail on the Haven Life Line... with a baby on the way what should Michael and his wife be doing with their extra income? We'll also try to help Jackson, who wrote today's letter to the show. He has a job and has recently graduated from college, so now Jackson wants to move out of his parents' home in the next year. He already has some savings built up... so what's his next few moves?

And as always... we'll still have time for Doug's trivia.

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