Jan 21, 2019
We're dedicating this episode to a very special guest: YOU. Our mailbag is overflowing, so today we realized it was time to devote a whole episode to answering your burning questions. Scott has cash left over after he pays bills and maxes out his regularly scheduled savings contributions... should he open up a Roth IRA? How should Laura prioritize her savings goals: pay down debt, add to retirement accounts, or build her emergency funds? Tyler has been recruited by his local Edward Jones agent. Should he begin his career with them?
In our headlines segment, one recent piece asks the question, "Is your debt the driving factor behind your savings discussions?" We'll tackle why that's an issue, and how it can harm your long term plans. In our second headline we'll look at some changes coming this year to health savings accounts (HSAs).
Later on, we'll throw out the Haven Life Line to John, who wants to know how to invest his lump sum. Should he dollar cost average over the next year or dump his stash of money into his account at one time?
And don't worry... we'll still take some time for Doug's trivia.
Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring Stacking Benjamins. MagnifyMoney.com saves users on average $450 when they compare, ditch, switch and save on credit cards, student loan refinancing, checking, savings and more. Check out MagnifyMoney.com for your savings.
Thanks to Grammarly for supporting Stacking Benjamins. For 20% off a Grammarly premium account, go to Grammarly.com/sb.