Feb 21, 2020
What big money wasters exist in your life? Unless you're like us, Benjamins seem to slip out of your pockets WAY too easily. Today, we'll test our guests' game show skills to see if they can guess 16 fantastic examples of money wasters we found hidden in a recent Marketwatch piece. Joining us to play along we welcome Chelsea Brennan from The Smart Money Mamas Podcast, Doc. G from the What's Up Next show, and our very own nerdy engineer, Len Penzo, from Len Penzo dot com!
One big money waster could be the exorbitant bank fees people pay. During our Friday FinTech segment, Joe will talk with one company trying to lower your fees. Nami Baral, Chief Empathy Officer from Harvest joins us. They'll discuss how Harvest uses AI to help you save on all sorts of bank and credit card fees. We'll have all the details
And finally, during our MagnifyMoney segment we will answer a question on if our fellow Stacker should open a non-profit farm. There's SO much more...but you'll have to listen to hear it all! Hope you can join the fun.