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The Stacking Benjamins Show

Dec 31, 2018

2018 was quite a year....maybe the opposite of March (in like a Lion/out like a lamb)....and began fairly gently and definitely is finishing with a roar. What should we have learned, if we turn the events of this year into timeless lessons? What could we have learned from this year's volatility? What about the Federal...

Dec 28, 2018

In anticipation of our annual magic 8 ball episode next Friday, we're taking a look back at last year's magic 8 ball episode. For those of you new to the show, each year roundtable regular Len Penzo brings down his magic 8 ball and we ask it wide-ranging questions for the next year. What were the predications? How...

Dec 26, 2018

Today's rewind episode features one of our favorite interviews with a fantastic guest: Dr. Woody Holton, author of the book "Abigail Adams", for which he won the Bambridge Award and more. In a time when women weren't expected, or even necessarily allowed, to be in charge of their finances, Abigail Adams took charge of...

Dec 24, 2018

With all the news going around about the markets, we thought it would be fitting to kick off our rewind week by sharing our time with Ric Edelman. Ric, Chairman and Founder of Edelman Financial Services, bestselling author, and host of the hit “Ric Edelman Radio Show” joined our show to give us some advice on...

Dec 21, 2018

There's nothing wrong with selling some of your clutter to help pay down your debt, but, as today's piece from Val Breit from TheCommonCentsClub (in a piece appearing on Rockstar Finance), there are plenty of other things you could be doing to help solve your financial troubles. Discussing this piece with us today...