Aug 31, 2018
We're ending this eight week series of shows on a very special note, with some awesome guests and fun surprises! First, have you ever groaned while paying the same debt payment over and over every single month? Sure you have! Today we'll talk to our guests Chelsea Brennan from Mama Fish Saves and her reader Megan Grossi who hatched a BRILLIANT plan to make paying down student loans (or any loan for that matter) more fun. We can't wait for you to hear it.
But that's not all we can't wait for you to hear. Pam Andrews' son grabbed over $700,000 in scholarships and completely avoided student loans. How did he do it...and can you do it too? Pam believes you can, and that's why she created her company the Scholarship Shark. She'll walk us through the process today.
AND in our Friday Fintech segment, you've heard Emperor Investments on our shows lately...but exactly how do they work? We invited the co-founders, Brenna Casserly and Francis Tapon to join us with a quick walkthrough of how they work.
Thanks to for sponsoring Stacking Benjamins!