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The Stacking Benjamins Show

Oct 30, 2017

What's more spooky than an investing story gone wrong? Nothing, if we're talking about your net worth. Today Griffin the Intern (AKA the "Fintern") rewinds to the episode when Rick Ferri dropped by the basement and scared us silly with some absolutely HORRIBLE investing stories.

Original show notes: 

Blood curling tales...

Oct 27, 2017

It's an age old off debt or invest? While we could wax philosophical about which is the right approach, on today's show we answer a question from a listener about a specific question around this topic. He and his family have a mortgage, but also need more savings for retirement. Which is the right...

Oct 25, 2017

Ever make a financial move because someone else told you it was a good idea and it turned out poorly? Maybe you already apply data to your decisions, but what if it could be better? Today our guests, Stuart Kruse and Sean Brown are both advocates of applying better data to your investing decisions, and we'll discuss how...

Oct 23, 2017

We've heard the stories: robots and artificial intelligence are coming to steal our jobs and make us obsolete. Bill Studebaker from ROBO Global has a different outlook. What if automation is going to help us all move faster? We'll talk to Bill about investing in AI in our portfolios and how the new world of work will...

Oct 20, 2017

Did your family automatically save when you were growing up? Joe's family didn't. How were you raised? If your family didn't talk about money, don't worry, because we'll give you TONS of great ideas to start your family on the savings path. Today we'll talk about the envelope system and others that have worked for...